everybody knows that green is a shitty color, for several reasons, but since i don’t have neither the time nor the space here to explain en detail, i’ll just list a few of them.
first, green doesn’t have conterspell in it (this alone is reason enough for a color to be unworthy, but green has many other shortcomings). it also lacks swords to plowshares, hypnotic specter and fireball.
second, green’s main asset is large, fat creatures at a low mana-cost. but who would use creatures to beat an opponent when you can do an elegant isochron scepter-metamorphosis lock.
third, green is full of useless creatures with useless abilities (birds of paradise, troll ascetic, wild mongrel and blastoderm are just some of them). not to mention that the iconic green creature is the elf (bleh desu!) – slender, pointy-eared and gay (“not that there would be anything wrong with it” -seinfeld)
fourth, green has a lot of artifact hate in it. but artifacts never ever hurt anybody, so why hate them so much?! most artifacts –sensei’s divining top, skullclamp, umezawa’s jitte- are useless anyway!
fifth, green creatures can’t fly and we all know from porco rosso that “a pig that doesn’t fly is just a pig!”
I agree, green sux bigtime.
But regarding the elves ya know anime beauty is elven usually. Elves in other parts (not Magic) can be badasses while looking cool. Especially Dunmer/Draws.
Blue blue/black rox. Who need critters to kill off someone when that someone is happy to kill himself off :) .
öö... ok, i don`t think i quite understood this post either since i like the color green. just bought a cool green pen. :D but as i`m proving it time to time: one can still have a nice life even without understanding everything :)
= vidámság compensates the missing intelligence! (happiness rules the world:D)
it's about the color green in that card game that your cousin plays.
and it doesn't suck at all, but viki likes to play green so i've only written this post to piss him off (you know, because i love him)
"vidamsag compensates the missing intelligence!" interesting...very interesting
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