since all the news channels have been buzzing about this for some time i am not going to write about it. let me just say that i really am annoyed by all the bloody ignorant fools who think they know everything better than the scientists working on it; if all these people were swallowed by a black hole i’m sure the average iq on the planet would surge.
well, now for the fun stuff:
some of you might know that i’ve always wanted to be a tractor driver. ever since i was in kindergarden. most kids wanted fancy jobs: firefighter, policeman, cosmonaut (it was still during communism), but i’ve always wanted to drive a tractor. you can’t really tell from the picture, but i am actually holding a chinese sword in my hand. comes in handy against zombie hordes or rabid sheep :p
don’t be afraid that the world will end today, it’s already tomorrow in