t: it happened about a week ago, but I’ve only now got to write about it. i was somewhat shocked at first. i have always expected my brother to marry before i did, however this was rather sudden. must have been love at first sight. anyway, katja’s sister is all right and this was a decision my brother had to make himself.
k: the ceremony was rather dull though. everybody was wearing black and all that. even if it was a jewish wedding, i’ve expected a bit more color; it just felt like somebody had died. you were happy though, i remember that you were smiling.
t: well, i was (and still am) genuinely happy for my brother. i’m also happy for your sister. i still feel i should get to know her better.
k: yes, well it seems i too should get to know my sister better. anyway it was quite a small ceremony with just your relatives around.
t: but i think i saw at least your mom attending with her spanish dress and everything though i was really surprised they decided to hold the ceremony at your grandmother’s. i kind of expected a synagogue or something.
k: well, we have no synagogues in sieppijärvi plus we had a rabbi anyway, so that makes it official enough, doesn’t it?
t: it was also kind of unexpected how at the end of the ceremony, after my brother had read that passage from the old testament and when your sister was about to read from the book as well, the rabbi told her he had a small collection of finnish bibles as well and she could use one of those. but by the way, your sister is lutheran, isn’t she?
k: hmm, i suppose she is but apparently nowadays one can’t kind of tell. i wonder what they’ll do about the kids’ religious education when the time comes. well they’ll just have to fight it out, i guess.
t: so does this make you my sister-in-law?
k: i’m afraid it does.
t: neat.
t: what’s more weird is that i’m narrating your dream in first person on my blog.
k: at least i got to correct my lines.
woot??? I was shocked until I reached the end! Viki got married and he haven't told anyone, shame! :D
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