Thursday, May 11, 2006

bad news

i had quite an adventure yesterday.

well, how should i put it...i got robbed! I AM ALL
physically and mentyally (almost :p) too.

it's simple, i was walking down the street with moni
(a coleague of mine)in broad daylight and i was
wearing my bag on my left shoulder and my laptop case on my
right one, and suddenly i heard the engine of a
motorcycle and i felt that somebody bumped into me; the
first fraction of a second i believed it was an
accident, but the guy grabbed my computer case
(needless to say that the plastic harness snapped like
a twig), and drove off, i tried to follow them (there
were two on the bike) for about 20-30 meters, but to
no avail. (i swear i've only seen this thing in the
movies up till now - and i always took pride in the
fact that nobody ever stole anything from me).

anyway, besides my laptop i had my passport, my bus
ticket back to romania, my health insurance, 10000 huf,
and some other papers.

i'm most depressed about the laptop, more over the
physical thing and a bit less about the data on the
hdd (some research data that is backed-up here in the
lab, but on several pcs, and all the photos i've taken
since i've arrived and all the articles and bibliography i've downloaded)

of all these things, the passport is the most
problematic (i'll be able to buy a new laptop if i get
a ph.d. grant here, my health insurance is also
registered at the company, as is my bus ticket). but i
have to go through A LOT of paperwork to get a new
passport and a new 'carte de sejour' for the remaining
two months of my stage. i also might have to travel to
strasburg or to paris to the ambassy.

anyway i got over the thing (mostly),
i just went home, ate some cold food, drank a beer with
tequila and went to sleep.

(sorry for the sloppy formating, but i'm not using my
lappy with my familiar word on it)

i would also like to take this opportunity to thank the secretary here at the institute for everything she has done for me. she did help me a lot in the past, but yesterday she was just brilliant. besides alerting the campus police and the bank she took the time to drive down to the police station with my file in case i needed help. (as i had no id whatsoever and my french is rather bad). today, in the morning, by the time i arrived at the lab, she has already contacted the ambassy and also had a paper signed for me by the head of the institute that he backs me up and aknowledgees me as a student doing research at the institute. so, jessie is the greatest!! not to mention all the moral support she has given me, simply amazing. if all the secretaries would be like her, this world would be a better place!


from the bottom of my heart !
*bows deeply*


Deimios said...

DAMN! You had some really bad luck there. Hope you can sort it out allright.

Claudiu said...

Have no idee what to say... Glad you're ok... And about the laptop... omg...

Anonymous said...
