the above statement was in fact my bro's yahoo msg status message yesterday, but i feel exactly the same way.
in case you don't know what i'm talking about go check the news on wiki: finland won the eurovision contest with the song 'hard rock hallelujah' performed by lordi. quite unexpected, but awesome beyond measure. you can watch the clip on youtube (there is a link from the wiki site)
i always had a great deal of respect for those bands that played the music they loved without being deterred by the mainstream or the unpopularity of the genre. also it should be mentioned that ,while in certain european countries -finland, norway, iceland,etc- the heavy (but not only) metal genre might be closer to mainstream music, in romania we only have that shitty 'manele' (bleh desu!). so, for me at least, it's very comforting to see that in other countries metal (any genre) still gets some public attention, let alone international recognition, awesome!
well done lordi! carry on and remember "when losers say it's over with you know that it's a lie, the gods made heavy metal and it's never gonna die!" - manowar
Learn to write html FFS Tibi! And I mean REAL html not the shit 80 year old men teach in the school. You don't use br in XHTML and fer crying out loud you don't use UPPERCASE!
So if you want a pagebreak:
1. make sure you have enabled html in posting
2. write br like : a < then a br then a space then / and a closing >
'you are gazing at the spider's web' (elvish expression meaning 'you are missing the point')
but thanks for the tip
Yeh I know about Lordi, I've watched them. Sweet stuff. Good that people haven't become mindless slaves in music too.
Ehh, I don't feel like Lordi was the right band to win at Eurovision... Eurovision is more like a soft pop contest.. They just doesn't fit. And the scoring system is bad: all scandinavics countries voted for finland, all slavon countries voted for Bosnia-H or mother Russia... Not quite fair...
That last remark isn't necessarily true. I remember seeing Finland get 12 points from most countries, not only Scandinavian ones.
so how many smart asses you actually have as friends?
- well have to admit: they are actually the best :P
and yes that was one of our nations big moments since becoming independent - it keeps me warm still(like one old lady said: they`re ugly but they did it!)
-finnish bug
well yeah, you can see now why my friends and i get along so well :)
you know, if they sent nightwish to the eurovision earlier, finland would have won sooner. anyway, congratulations!!
they tried to send nightwish there in their early years but we still had the old system where half the votes came from the jury and half from the people so the jury didn´t like them - and they send some gospel music instead which of course flopped badly - sad
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