it is a little known fact that many klingons concern themselves with the study of dft. for those of you who don't know such trivial things: dft stands for 'density functional theory', a quantum mechanical method used in the investigation of many-body systems, which overcomes some of the shortcomings of the traditional hartree-fock method.
i've posted a pic of some klingon friends of mine who are interested in such studies (for those unfortunate souls who do not know me in person, i'm the fat guy in the middle). this really brings back sweet memories, like when claudiu and i were trying to learn some basic klingon phrases during molecular physics class, oh those were the days...
and finally, the tip of the day: never tell a klingon his mom had a smooth forehead, unless you're ready for a fight!
omg, i hope our teacher would not read this...
and hey, you forgot to mention that some klingon species could actually levitate for short period of time (I prove it, didn't I?...) :)
oh, nanoma, those were the days...
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