well, i was feeling pretty down yesterday evening, after having missed the chance to buy a cheap fridge and having been soaked by the rain on my way home. it was just one of those days when nothing seems to fall into place. so i ate a cheap microwaved pizza and i was getting ready to go to sleep, when by chance i glimpsed out the window. and there it was: the most perfect rainbow i’ve ever seen! so i got off the bed to open the window and i was struck by the sweet smell of fresh rain (you know, that thing that makes you want to run across a field).
there i was , eating my chocolate dessert, leaning on the window frame, hearing the raindrops beat on the glass, enjoying the cool scent of the rain, listening to ‘shiroi kisetsu’ …and watching the rainbow… call me a romantic if you want, but this was one of those moments that are eternity.
needless to say that after this the entire day seemed somehow better. even if i wasn’t able to buy the fridge; who needs a fridge anyway, i’ll just get a ps2 instead :p
Wow! Never seen an actual 180 degree arch rainbow before! Sweet!
The buildings kinda look like the ones in Hasdeu?
Or am I just mistaken?
well i suppose i should start bugging you here - but i can´t because of your nice writing:
i know exactly what you mean :)
your finnish bug
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