i've deposited this today, before noon. the lines that make up the numbers are 8-10 microns wide. the contour of the numbers is in fact a gold wire (several tens of nanometers thick) obtained through the photoreduction of HAuCl4 using a femtosecond pulsed laser (it's a bit more complicated in fact). the picture was taken with a bw ccd camera through a microscope objective (100x, oil immersed).
if i make it to the scanning electron microscope next week, i'll post another picture.
I also expect "you-know-what" (let it be a surprise for the rest), a Superman sign (oh, and Batman too) and maybe some action figure, and if you move the plate fast (?!) enough, you'll get a cartoon, the smallest in the whole wide world. Also, an 1701-D inscription will be higly apreciated :)
Again, awseome!...
Nice. Wish I could structure nanotubes like that.
Sigh :((
After 12 years of school, 5 years of university and almost 1 year of Masters studies... this is what you get: the smallest ever occurance of THE NUMBER???!!! I'm starting to believe life really sucks... BTW, nice job! :D
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