i’ll try to describe this dude to those of you who don’t know him (he’s so going to hate me :p – haha, all his dark secrets will now be revealed *diabolic grin*). well, by trade he is a physicist, he’s doing his first year of master studies in solid state physics and he’s interested in particular in carbon nanotubes (he’s a ‘csoves’ like many others). he was gifted with a healthy dose of sense of humor, always a fun guy to have around. very dependable. lousy guide “come with me, i know a shortcut” (that was one hell of a shortcut, the romans must have had a more pleasant time climbing the serpents path to massada under enemy fire). an average cook. a mac guyver kind of guy – he can’t build an airplane out of paperclips and chocolate wrapper, but he can manage a submarine (although just a tiny one) out of a few plastic bottles. likes eating ice-cream in winter when it’s freezing outside and everybody is giving him weird looks (just like me). has read the guide. likes rpgs (role playing games, not rocket propelled grenades). loves idiotic humor magazines like ‘kreten’ (mee too). listens to rock music, but not the heavy stuff i like, though he enjoys some iron maiden and manowar songs. he plays magic (the card game). he has seen shin seiki evangelion (but not la blue girl). he almost finished dungeon crawl (omfg, he got the orb of zod!!). on the sci-fi/fantasy personality test he turned out to be g’kar (from b5). the had a t-shirt with candle jack on it. the (almost) speaks basic klingon. he likes lake of tears…and there would be a lot more to tell about him. he was my roommate for 3 years (i miss those days). i still have to beat him at quake or ut.
Happy Birthday to Pete!
P.S. I took that test and I came out Agent Smith.
I very much enjoy that :)
i came out kosh!! hihi
yes, and you also played 'rocket man' :p
Happy Birthday, Pete!
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